The Otta (Otterbaai)

The Otta is probably the most well known fishing spot in Arniston.  Situated next to the cave, from which the name Waenhuiskrans was derived, is a sandy beach where good catches of Shad and Cob are made.  This beach is a favourite of anglers in the summer months when Shad is abundant in these waters.
The Shad normally bite on sardine (fillited or whole).
Large Cob follow these shoals and are caught on whole or filleted sardine, as well as fillets of Shad, live bait (shad) and/or chokka.  Octopus is also a good bait to use for Cob.

During the winter months the rocks to the west offer good Galjoen catches.  These are caught on Red Bait, worm and white mussels.

White Musselcracker also frequent these waters and are normally caught on Red Bait, White Mussels and Alikreukel.


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Last modified: January 15, 2020